
Our Client Testimonials

A 50 Ton capacity INTECH make portable Dual platform type rareighkidge Model D10306 inl 101 raas erected and commissioned at lignite bench of Mine IA on 27.09.08 for trial test purpose. We hereby certify that the weighments recorded in the trueighbrldge and i& accuracy is also found consistent and satbfaetory.

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited

The system checked, tested ,Commissioned, and demonstrated satisfactorily

Air Breeze India (P) Limited

Apart from provision of piping , valves ,and hydrant systems, the job also included dismantling and re erection of deluge valve systems along with allied automation works. Further the job entailed necessary civil and structural works in the execution for the total fire hydrant system.

lndian Oil Corporation Limited

In connection to our efforts to keep our regular vendors informed about their performance and to highlight such area where improvement is needed, we are intirnating you about your performance as vendor for above said period.

Aditya Birla Ultratech

The scope of work covers the Weighbridge platform, Load cells, Cables, Lightning Surge Protection, Electronic controller/indicator, PC Based Workstation (including Operating Software), Remote Large Size Weight Display, Tables, Chairs, and Training for Operators.

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited

The performance of the following "STABTR0N" make servo controlled voltage stabilizers supplied against our various supply orders is found to be satisfactory.

Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) Client for 3 Decades